SimBipartite class

class bipartitepandas.simbipartite.SimBipartite(params=None)

Bases: object

Class of SimBipartite, where SimBipartite simulates a bipartite network of firms and workers.


params (ParamsDict or None) – dictionary of parameters for simulating data. Run bpd.sim_params().describe_all() for descriptions of all valid parameters. None is equivalent to bpd.sim_params().


Simulate panel data corresponding to the calibrated model. Columns are as follows: i=worker id; j=firm id; y=wage; t=time period; l=worker type; k=firm type; alpha=worker effect; psi=firm effect.


rng (np.random.Generator) – NumPy random number generator; None is equivalent to np.random.default_rng(None)


simulated network

Return type

(Pandas DataFrame)